Plenary Talk
Dr. Ioannis Tomkos
Athens Information Technology – AIT, Greece
Brief Biography: Dr. Ioannis Tomkos has been with AIT since September 2002 (serving as Professor, Research Group Head and Associate Dean). He was elected “Adjunct Professor” at the College of Optical Sciences of University of Arizona (Oct 2013) and “Adjunct Faculty Research Fellow” at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Cyprus (Jan 2014). In the past, he was Adjunct Faculty member at the Information Networking Institute of Carnegie-Mellon University, USA (2002 – 2010), senior scientist (1999 – 2002) at Corning Inc., USA. Dr. Tomkos has represented AIT as Principal Investigator in about 25 EU and industry funded research projects (including 6 currently active EU projects) related with Optical Communications/Networking and Broadband Access. Together with his colleagues and students he has authored over 550 peer-reviewed archival scientific articles in journals/magazines/books (~150) and conferences/workshops (~400). His work has received over 4200 citations and his h-factor is 32 (as of Nov’14). He has held many high-profile roles for IEEE, OSA and other organizations, including Chairman of the IEEE Optical Networking Technical Committee and Chairman of the OSA Technical Group on Optical Communications. Among several other awards, in 2014 he was a co-recipient of the IEEE/OSA “Journal of Lightwave Technology” Best Paper Award. Dr. Tomkos was elected Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2007), Fellow of IET (2010) and a Fellow of OSA (2012) for “outstanding contributions in the field of transparent optical networking”. He also serves as CxO level consultant to many ICT companies and policy maker executives.
Identification of the Plenary: PL-THU-01
Title of the Talk: Issues and challenges in the design and operation of next generation spectrally and spatially flexible optical networks.
Plenary Talk
Prof. Michael J. Lancaster
School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering
The University of Birmingham-UK
Brief Biography: Michael J. Lancaster (SM’2004) was born in England in 1958. He was educated at Bath University, UK, where he graduated with a degree in Physics in 1980. His career continued at Bath, where he was awarded a PhD in 1984 for research into non-linear underwater acoustics. After leaving Bath University where he graduated, he joined the surface acoustic wave (SAW) group at the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University as a Research Fellow. The research was in the design of new, novel SAW devices, including RF filters and filter banks. In 1987 he became a Lecturer at The University of Birmingham in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, lecturing in electromagnetic theory and microwave engineering. Shortly after he joined the department he began the study of the science and applications of high temperature superconductors, working mainly at microwave frequencies. He was promoted to head the Emerging Device Technology Research Centre in 2000 was head of the department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003-2006. His present personal research interests include microwave filters and antennas, as well as the high frequency properties and applications of a number of novel and diverse materials. Professor Lancaster is Fellow of the IET and UK Institute of Physics. He is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Physicist. He has served on the MTT IMS technical committee. Professor Lancaster has published two books and over 170 papers in refereed journals.
Identification of the Plenary: PL-WED-01
Title of the Talk: Passive microwave circuits made solely from resonators – a new class of component
Plenary Talk
Professor Jiasheng Hong
Department of Computing & Electrical Engineering
Heriot-Watt University -UK
Brief Biography: Professor Jiasheng Hong, received the D.Phil. degree in engineering science from the University of Oxford, UK, and is currently a professor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, leading a team for research into advanced RF/microwave device technologies. Professor Hong has pioneered the development of advanced microwave planar filters and published over 200 technical papers in these areas as well as two internationally well-received reference books, i.e. Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications (New York: Wiley, 1st Edition 2001, 2nd Edition 2011) and RF and Microwave Coupled-Line Circuits, Second Edition (Boston: Artech House, 2007), which have the most significant impact on new microwave filter technologies such as the superconducting filters, multilayer filters based on liquid crystal polymer substrates, as well as reconfigurable or tunable planar filters. This also led to an explosion in the development of new filter topologies for narrow and ultrawideband applications. Professor Hong’s achievements have been reconnized internationally in both microwave industry and academia. He has been presented the SELEX Galileo Innovation Award on Development of a University Partnership to Develop new RF Filter Technologies. He is a member of IEEE MTT Technical Committee for Filters and Passive Components; the Associated Editor of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; and serves in Editorial board/Reviewer board of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Wiley International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, and IET Proceedings, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. Professor Hong was the past Chairman of Technical Programme Committee for 2011 European Microwave Conference and is a Fellow of IEEE.
Identification of the Plenary: PL-THU-02
Title of the Talk: Advances in microwave planar filter Technologies
Plenary Talk
Dr. Stepan Lucvszvn
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College London-UK
Brief Biography: Stepan Lucyszyn is Director of the Centre for Terahertz Science and Engineering, at Imperial College London. After working in industry, as a satellite systems engineer for maritime and military communications, he spent 12 years researching microwave and millimetre-wave RFIC/MMICs. He co-edited the book ‘RFIC and MMIC Design and Technology’, published by the IEE (now IET) in 2001. Since 2001, Dr Lucyszyn has worked on RF MEMS. He edited the book ‘Advanced RF MEMS’, published by Cambridge University Press in 2010. Dr Lucyszyn first starting working on millimetre-wave electronics and terahertz technologies in 1992 and 1996, respectively. More recently, he has concentrated his activities on emerging millimetre-wave photonic crystal and thermal infrared ‘THz Torch’ technologies. Dr Lucyszyn has authored 175 papers and 12 book chapters. He served as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Electronics (TandF, 2002-05) and Associate Editor for the Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (IEEE/ASME, 2005-09). Dr Lucyszyn was the Chairman of the 41st European Microwave Conference, held in Manchester (UK, 2011) and will Co-chair the 11th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, to be held in London (UK, 2016). He was an IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer (DML) for 2010-12, Emeritus DML for 2013 and appointed a EuMA European Microwave Lecturer (EML) for 2013-present. Dr Lucyszyn is Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK, 2005), Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK, 2005), The Electromagnetics Academy (USA, 2008) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA, 2014). He co-founded the Imperial College London spin-out company Drayson Wireless Ltd, est. Apr. 2014.
Identification of the Plenary: PL-FRI-02
Title of the Talk: An Engineering Approach Towards Creating Ubiquitous THz Applications
Plenary Talk
Dr. Antonella Bogoni
National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications – Pisa, Italy
Brief Biography:
Antonella Bogoni, head of research area of CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications), is one of the pioneers of the Integrated Research Center for Photonic Networks and Technologies created in Pisa in 2001 as a part of a broad agreement among four partners, CNIT, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Marconi Communications S.p.A. (now Ericsson) and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), aiming to create in Pisa a world-class Center of Excellence, where currently she is leader of the “digital & microwave photonics” area.
Antonella Bogoni dedicated her research activity to photonics technologies for ultra-fast optical communication systems. Up to now she got 14 national and international project grants, she is co/author of 52 patents, 8 books and chapters and more than 130 papers on the main scientific international journals.
Moreover she presented more than 250 contributions in the main photonics and radar international conferences. She has been also invited as expert on the main Journals and conferences and she collaborates with several of the most prestigious research and industrial groups in photonics and radar fields all around the world. She is Topical Editor for Optics Letters, she is also in the Board of reviewers of Wiley Editor, Nature Photonics, IEEE/OSA Journals. She is chair of international conferences and workshops, including general chair of Photonics in Switching 2014 and Sub-committee Chair of ECOC 2015.
Identification of the Plenary: PL-FRI-01
Title of the Talk: Photonics for Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems