Mês: novembro 2024

Seminário Internacional | International Seminar, Democratization and Authoritarianism in the Twentieth-first Century

The seminar addressed the interrelationships between democratization processes and renewed forms of authoritarianism. Exploiting access to political power by openly undemocratic actors through democratic electoral and judicial processes, and with considerable support from their countries’ electorates. 14 de maio de 2024.  Speakers.  Göran Therborn, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Cambridge Reino Unido. …

NOTÍCIA | Democracy and Global Water Politics in Historical Perspective Against Water Privatization

(ENG) This book addresses water privatization from a historical-sociological perspective and argues against the unrelenting imposition of neoprivatist water politics worldwide. Water is essential for life, but it is also a source of economic and political power. Prevailing water politics continue to erode the conditions required for dignified living conditions of millions of human beings …

ARTIGO DE OPINIÃO| Regimes Internacionais de Meio Ambiente: o BRICS e os desafios frente às mudanças climáticas 

Autor: Mateus de Sá Barreto Barros  Curador Auxiliar da Curadoria do BRICS/CEÁSIA/UFPE  Imagem: https://tvbrics.com/pt/news/ndia-pede-ao-concreta-do-brics-contra-as-mudan-as-clim-ticas/ Devido aos eventos climáticos recentes que estão ocorrendo em todo o mundo, como as ondas de calor, grandes secas, cheias, diminuição do volume de chuva, a questão ambiental tem ganhado notoriedade na pauta dos Estados-nacionais, ainda que as respostas não estejam à …