Campaign Name : | PIRATA BR-01 |
Objective : | Mooring of 3 ATLAS buoys and collecting of oceanographic, bathymetric and meteorological data. |
Cruise Period : | 19JAN1998 (Fortaleza/ CE) – 03FEB1998 (Natal/ RN) |
Limits : | North : 20.0 South : 0.0 West : -38.0 East : -35.0 |
Ship Name : | Antares |
Chief Scientist(s) : | VIANNA Marcio |
Project : | PIRATA |
Responsible Laboratory : | Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE Rod. Pres. Dutra km 40 Cachoeira Paulista, SP – Brazil 12630-000 |
DOI : | – |
Summary of Measurements : |
The variables measured are: surface wind, surface temperature, surface conductivity (salinity), air temperature, relative humidity, shortwave radiation, precipitation, subsurface temperature (10 depths up to 500 m) sub-surface conductivity (3 depths up to 500 m), and pressure 300 and 500 m. |
Contact : | NOBRE Paulo |
Comments : | – |

CITATION: NOBRE Paulo (1998) PIRATA BR-01 cruise, RV Antares.
Prename X. (year). Title. Journal, volume, page.
ATTENTION: This web page manages the data of different disciplines. CEERMA gathers the data and makes it available on its portal. Data are collected by the scientific community from the Oceanography Department of UFPE or in cooperation with other foreigner institution in the frame of national and international projects. You can request this data (informing the Campaign Name and the Request item) by e-mail ( and download it from a shared link. CEERMA IS NOT responsible for the data content.
Request | Processing Level | Size | Format |
C1 | config | 2.75 KB |
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C2 | qc | 72.1 KB |
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C3 | raw | 2.72 MB |
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D1 | raw | 2.07 MB |
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X1 | qc | 1.37 MB |
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BIBLIOGRAPHY (PIRATA Science Publications)
Evangelista H., Sifeddine A., Corrège T., Servain J., Dassié E.P., Logato R., Cordeiro R.C., Shen C.‐C., Le Cornec F., Nogueira J., Segal B., Castagna A., Turcq B. (2018). Climatic constraints on growth rate and geochemistry (Sr/Ca and U/Ca) of the coral Siderastrea stellata in the Southwest Equatorial Atlantic (Rocas Atoll, Brazil). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(3), 772-786. |
Bruto L., Araujo M., Noriega C., Veleda D., Lefevre N. (2017). Variability of CO2 fugacity at the western edge of the tropical Atlantic Ocean from the 8°N to 38°W PIRATA buoy. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 78, 12017. |
Foltz G.R., Schmid C., Lumpkin R. (2017). An enhanced PIRATA data set for tropical Atlantic ocean-atmosphere research. Journal of Climate, 31(4), 1499-1524. |
Bonou F.K., Noriega C.D., Lefèvre N., Araujo M. (2016). Distribution of CO2 parameters in the Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 73, 47-60. |
Hernandez, O., Jouanno J., Durand F. (2016). Do the Amazon and Orinoco freshwater plumes really matter for hurricane-induced ocean surface cooling?, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 121, 2119-2141. |
Hounsou-Gbo G. A., Servain J., Araujo M., Martins E.S., Bourlès B., Caniaux G. (2016). Oceanic Indices for Forecasting Seasonal Rainfall over the Northern Part of Brazilian Northeast. American Journal of Climate Change, 5 (2), 261-274. |
Lefèvre N., Veleda D., Araujo M., Caniaux G. (2016). Variability and trends of carbon parameters at a timeseries in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Tellus B, 68, 30305. |
Cintra M.M., Lentini C.A.D., Servain J., Araujo M., Marone E. (2015). Physical processes that drive the seasonal evolution of the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic Warm Pool. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 72, 1-11. |
Hounsou-gbo G.A., Araujo M., Bourlès B., Veleda D., Servain J. (2015). Tropical Atlantic contributions to strong rainfall variability along the Northeast Brazilian coast. Advances in Meteorology, 2015, Article ID 902084. |
Araujo M., Veleda D., Barrocas P.R.G., Moraes F.F.M., Montagne R., Lopez E. (2014). Non-stationary climatic influence of inter-epidemic periods on Dengue in Brazil. In Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Beyond the Horizon, Steenbergen et al. (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00123-7 |
Lefèvre N., Urbano D.F., Gallois F., Diverrès D. (2014). Impact of physical processes on the seasonal distribution of the fugacity of CO2 in the western tropical Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 119, 646-663. |
Rodrigues R.R., McPhaden M.J. (2014). Why did the 2011-12 La Niña cause a severe drought in the Brazilian Northeast? Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 1012-1018. |
Ferreira B.P., Costa M.B.S.F., Coxey M.S., Gaspar A.L., Veleda D.R.A., Araujo M. (2013). The effects of sea surface temperature anomalies on oceanic coral reef systems in the southwestern tropical Atlantic. Coral Reefs, 32 (2), 441-454. |
Last update: 25/05/2022.