Av. Arquitetura, s/n, Cidade Universitária - Recife, PE
+55 (81) 2126 7112


Campaign Name: FORSA – Following Ocean Rings in the South Atlantic
Objective : The FORSA commission was the Inaugural Scientific Cruise of the Hydro-Oceanographic Research Vessel Vital de Oliveira (H39) that made the crossing from Singapore to Rio de Janeiro, when eighteen researchers from FURG, INPE, UERJ, UFPE and UFSM embarked. The measurements were carried out in the region characterized by the formation of vortices of warmer and saline water that “leaks” from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean, through the Agulhas Current. Samples were taken from six anticyclonic vortices launched by the Agulhas Current system, which would later reach the Brazilian coast. This research aimed to verify the influence of the dynamics of currents and climate, in the characterization of the biochemical variables that influence the space-time distribution of marine organisms (phytoplankton, among others).
Cruise Period : 27JUN2015 (Cape Town/ SA) – 15JUL2015 (Arraial do Cabo/ BR)
Limits : North : 0.0  South : 0.0  West : 0.0  East : 0.0
Ship Name : NPqHo. Vital de Oliveira (H-39)
Chief Scientist(s) : ARAUJO Moacyr C.
Project :
Responsible Laboratory : Laboratório de Oceanografia Física Estuarina e Costeira / DOCEAN
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Summary of
Measurements :
Measurements of several physical, chemical and biological variables of the seawater were obtained along the trajectory and mainly in the oceanic regions where the vortices were located. From the atmospheric side, estimates of CO2 fluxes, momentum, sensible heat, latent heat were obtained, in addition to carrying out radiosondes to observe the thermodynamic profiles.
Contact : ARAUJO Moacyr C.
Comments :

CITATION: ARAUJO Moacyr C. (2015) Following Ocean Rings in the South Atlantic. FORSA cruise, NPqHo. Vital de Oliveira.



ATTENTION: This web page manages the data of different disciplines. CEERMA gathers the data and makes it available on its portal. Data are collected by the scientific community from the Oceanography Department of UFPE or in cooperation with other foreigner institution in the frame of national and international projects. You can request this data (informing the Campaign Name and the Request item) by e-mail (coordenacao.ceerma@ufpe.br) and download it from a shared link. CEERMA IS NOT responsible for the data content.


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Orselli I.B.M., Goyet C., Kerr R., Azevedo J.L.L.d., Araujo M., Galdino F., Touratier F., Garcia C.A.E. (2019). The effect of Agulhas eddies on absorption and transport of anthropogenic carbon in the South Atlantic Ocean. Climate, 7, 84. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli7060084
Orselli I.B.M., Kerr R., de Azevedo, J.L.L., Galdino F., Araujo M., Garcia, C.A.E. (2019). The sea-air CO2 net fluxes in the South Atlantic Ocean and the role played by Agulhas eddies. Progress in Oceanography, 170, 40-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2018.10.006

Last update: 28/06/2022.