The 8th edition of ISEBE will be organized on October 20-24, 2025, in Recife, Brazil, by a group of researchers from the Laboratory of Environmental Sanitation (LSA) of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil, led by Professors Lourdinha Florencio, Mario T. Kato, Bruna Magnus, Fabricio Motteran, Wanderli Leite and Simone Machado, and Drs. Osmar Menezes and Shyrlane Veras.
Important local support will be from Professor Mauricio Motta Sobrinho, from the Department of Chemical Engineering (UFPE), Professor Kenia Barros, and Elizabeth Pastich from the Academic Center of Agreste (CAA-UFPE), Caruaru PE. And from Professor Devson Gomes, from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFPE), Recife PE.
The institutional crucial support will be provided by the ABIAER, the Association of Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (Mexico), the pioneer of the first events and since then active in helping the following symposia organization until today. A section of the ABIAER can be consulted on the present home page containing its history, organization, and members.
So far, the 8ISEBE has received partial financial support from the IRD-IMBE France. The following Brazilian agencies will be requested to support the event: CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Personnel of Higher Education, Ministry of Education), CNPq (Council of Research and Technology Development), and FACEPE (Pernambuco State Foundation for Supporting Science and Technology).
Private companies related to environmental biotechnology and engineering will be welcome to support the event.