This software present a hybrid methodology for project software management and a decision support system developed from the proposed methodology. In this, the tasks must be preliminarily assigned to each level of seniority by the linear programming method for assigning tasks, so as to minimize the total execution time of the project stages. The project management is then performed by Scrum (Nepomuceno and Fontana, 2013).

The decision support system (DSS) was developed as a tool and in its development it was used the Eclipse platform plug-in 4.0. The software was developed as a wizard, following the steps in the methodology proposed making the process to assign tasks automated. Link:

Paper: NEPOMUCENO, V. S. ; FONTANA, M. E. Decision Support System to Project Software Management. In: Proc. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2013),  Manchester, p. 964-969, 2013. Link:

REGISTRO: 512021000650-0

INPI – Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial

Título: DTScrum

Data: 06/04/2021

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Decision support system to project software management

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