

SANTOS, A. C. J.; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V. A study on the economic and environmental viability of second-hand items in maintenance policies. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 217, p. 108133, 2022​
MELO, Y, R.; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; SCARF, P.; LOPES, R.S. A hybrid maintenance policy with fixed periodic structure and opportunistic replacement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, p. 1748006X221100365, 2022.​
CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; COSTA, L.Q.; NETO, W. A. F.; ALBERTI, A. R. A study of the different relations between disruptive events and the human factor and their effects on maintenance performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, p. 1748006X221098568, 2022.​
ALBERTI, A. R.; NETO, W. A. F.; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; SANTOS, A. C. J. Modelling a flexible two-phase inspection-maintenance policy for safety-critical systems considering revised and non-revised inspections. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 221, p. 108309, 2022.​


CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; LOPES, R. S.; SCARF, P. A. Inspection and replacement policy with a fixed periodic schedule. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 208, p. 107402, 2021.​
SANTOS, A. C. J.; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; RIBEIRO, L. F. A. The use of second-hand items based on delay time modelling. Process safety and environmental protection, v. 146, p. 118-125, 2021.​
NETO, W. A. F; CAVALCANTE, C. A.; SANTOS, A. C.; ARAÚJO, L. H.; ALBERTI, A. R.; LIMA, H. B. An inspection policy for shredder equipment used in steel production lines considering buffer level and operating time. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, v. 60, p. 640-651, 2021.​


SINISTERRA, Wilfrido Quiñones; CAVALCANTE, Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio. An integrated model of production scheduling and inspection planning for resumable jobs. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 227, p. 107668, 2020.
GONZÁLEZ, H.S.J.; RODRIGUES, T.F.O.; DANTAS, M.M.; CAVALCANTE, C.A.V. A dynamic inventory rationing policy for business-to-consumer e-tail stores in a supply disruption context. Computers & Industrial Engineering, v. 142, p. 106379, 2020.
SANTOS, A. C.J; CAVALCANTE, C. A.V; RIBEIRO, L. F.A. The use of second-hand items based on delay time modelling. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020.
ALBERTI, A. R.; CAVALCANTE, C. A.V. A two-scale maintenance policy for protection systems subject to shocks when meeting demands. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 204, p. 107118, 2020.
ALOTAIBI, N.M; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; LOPES, R. S.; SCARF, P.A. Preventive replacement with defaulting. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, v. 31, Issue 4, p. 491–504, 2020.
HERNANDEZ, L.C.; GONZÁLEZ, H.S.J.; DANTAS, P.P.L.; CAVALCANTE, C.A.V. Using multi-criteria decision making for selecting picking strategies. Operational Research, p. 1-26, 2020., N.M; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; LOPES, R. S.; SCARF, P.A. Preventive replacement with defaulting. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, v. 31, Issue 4, p. 491–504, 2020.


SCARF, PHILIP A.; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; LOPES, RODRIGO SAMPAIO. Delay-time modelling of a critical system subject to random inspections. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH., p.772 – 782, 2019., C. A. V.; LOPES, R. S.; SCARF, P. A. Inspection and replacement policy with a fixed periodic schedule. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 208, p. 107402, 2021.​
CAVALCANTE, CRISTIANO A. V.; SCARF, PHILIP A.; BERRADE, M. D. Imperfect Inspection of a System With Unrevealed Failure and an Unrevealed Defective State. IEEE Transactions on Reliability., v.68, p.764 – 775, 2019., C. A. V.; LOPES, R. S.; SCARF, P. A. Inspection and replacement policy with a fixed periodic schedule. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 208, p. 107402, 2021.​


CAVALCANTE, C.A.V.; LOPES, R.S.; SCARF, P.A. A general inspection and opportunistic replacement policy for one-component systems of variable quality. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, v. 266, p. 911-919, 2018.
BERRADE, M.D. ; SCARF, P.A. ; CAVALCANTE, C.A.V . Conditional inspection and maintenance of a system with two interacting components. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, v. 268, p. 533-544, 2018.
ALBERTI, A. R. ; Cavalcante, C. A. V. ; SILVA, A. L. O. E. ; Scarf, Philip A. . Modelling inspection and replacement quality for a protection system. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, v. 176, p. 145-153, 2018.
GOMES DA SILVA, JULIANNA ; LOPES, RODRIGO SAMPAIO . An integrated framework for mode failure analysis, delay time model and multi-criteria decision-making for determination of inspection intervals in complex systems. JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, v. 51, p. 17-28, 2018.


BERRADE, M.D. ; SCARF, P.A. ; CAVALCANTE, C.A.V. A study of postponed replacement in a delay time model. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, v. 168, p. 70-79, 2017.
MARSARO, MÔNICA FRANK ; Cavalcante, Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio . Random preventive maintenance policy based on inspection for a multicomponent system using simulation. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, v. 19, p. 552-559, 2017.
DE ALMEIDA, ADIEL TEIXEIRA ; ALENCAR, MARCELO HAZIN ; GARCEZ, THALLES VITELLI ; Ferreira, Rodrigo José Pires . A systematic literature review of multicriteria and multi-objective models applied in risk management. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, v. 28, p. 153-184, 2017.
CAVALCANTI, A. M.; Ferraz, A G ; C. M. P. dos Santos ; Ferreira, C. P. S. ; SILVA, P. H. U. S. . Aplicação do característico setorial de inovação como modelo de diagnóstico em inovação das epp que atuam no setor da indústria de reparos de automóveis. EXACTA (ONLINE), v. 15, p. 501-514, 2017.
FERREIRA, P. E. S. ; CAVALCANTI, A. M. . Modelo de Análise do Perfil do Consumidor de Produtos Orgânicos para Definição da Estratégia de Marketing. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA, v. 8, p. 1551, 2017.FILHO, A. M. ; LIMA, T. L. A. ; MARINHO, M. L. M. ; CAVALCANTI, A. M. Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia Assistiva para o Transporte Público Baseado na Percepção do Usuário. EXACTA (ONLINE), v. 5, p. 7109, 2017.
CAVALCANTI FILHO, A. M. ; LIMA, T. L. A. ; MARINHO, M. L. M. ; CAVALCANTI, A. M. Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia Assistiva para o Transporte Público Baseado na Percepção do Usuário. EXACTA (ONLINE), v. 5, p. 7109, 2017.


Cavalcante, Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio; DO NASCIMENTO, THIAGO GOMES ; LOPES, RODRIGO SAMPAIO . Multi-attribute Utility Theory analysis for burn-in processes combined with replacement. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, v. 18, p. 599-605, 2016.
CAVALCANTE, C. A. V.; Alencar, M. H. ; LOPES, R. S. . Multicriteria Model to Support Maintenance Planning in Residential Complexes under Warranty. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, p. 04016110, 2016.


Berrade, M.D. ; Scarf, Philip A. ; Cavalcante, Cristiano A.V. . Some Insights Into the Effect of Maintenance Quality for a Protection System. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, v. 64, p. 661-672, 2015.
ALVES, G. A. A. ; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V. ; LOPES, R. S. . Maintenance management: a study of reliability-centered maintenance for irrigation system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, v. 31, p. 1-8, 2015.
DA SILVA, DENILSON DIMAS ; DE VASCONCELOS, NATÁLIA VELOSO CALDAS ; CAVALCANTE, CRISTIANO ALEXANDRE VIRGINIO . Multicriteria Decision Model to Support the Assignment of Storage Location of Products in a Warehouse. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), v. 2015, p. 1-8, 2015.
LOPES, R. S. ; Cavalcante, Cristiano A.V. ; Alencar, M. H. . Delay-time inspection model with dimensioning maintenance teams: A study of a company leasing construction equipment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, v. 88, p. 341-349, 2015.
SILVA, A. L. O. E. ; Cavalcante, Cristiano A.V. ; DE VASCONCELOS, NATÁLIA VELOSO CALDAS . A multicriteria decision model to support the selection of suppliers of motor repair services. International Journal, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. na-na, p. na-na-na, 2015
de Almeida, A. T. ; FERREIRA, R. J. P. ; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V. . A review of the use of multicriteria and multi-objective models in maintenance and reliability. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, v. 26, p. 249-271, 2015.
LOPES, R. S. ; CAVALCANTE, C. A. V. . Multi-criteria model to support the definition of opportunistic maintenance policy: A study in a cogeneration system. Energy (Oxford), v. 80, p. 32-40, 2015.
SOBRAL, M. F. F. ; CAVALCANTI, A. M. ; CABRAL, R. M. ; MOUTINHO, L. M. G. ; MORAES FILHO, R. A. . Estudo de caso sobre o uso do controle da qualidade em uma indústria do setor de petróleo e gás. Exacta (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 13, p. 13/5279-25, 2015.
CAVALCANTI, A. M.; CAVALCANTI FILHO, A. M. ; FORTES, G. P. ; SOUZA NETO, J. K. ; PEREIRA, L. S. . Análise da qualidade do ar interior sob a abordagem da manutenção preditiva e da inovação. Exacta Revista do Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas do Uni BH, v. 13, p. 45-54, 2015.
CAVALCANTI, A. M.; SANTOS, F. F. R. ; CERQUEIRA, J. A. ; NERY, E. G. ; BARROS, C. M. D. A. . Diagnóstico da indústria de confecções a partir do radar e característico de inovação. Exacta (Online), v. 13, p. 367/5272-386, 2015.
DE BARROS JERÔNIMO, TACIANA ; VALENTE DE QUEIROZ, BRUNA ; DA SILVA, CARLA FERNANDA ; DA SILVA NOGUEIRA, PATRÍCIA ; MARQUES CAVALCANTI, ANDRÉ . Inovando a estratégia de gestão da qualidade pelo uso do Desdobramento da Função Qualidade combinado com SERVPERF em empresas de prestação de serviços. Exacta (Online), v. 13, p. 167/5339-176, 2015.

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