TNG @ XXXIX National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics

The XXXIX National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics promoted by the Brazilian Physical Society takes place in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, from 3 to 7 of September.


Several group members will present our latest results during the meeting.

Posters (15:30 – 17:00) – 5 Sep 2016

P087 Thermal conductivity of nitrogenated holey graphene under strain
Louis G. C. S. Sá, Bohayra Mortazavi, Luiz Felipe C. Pereira

P088 Thermal transport in graphene-BN superlattices
Isaac de Macêdo Félix, Luiz Felipe C. Pereira

P091 Atomic adsorption on nitrogenated holey graphene
Raphael M. Tromer, Mauro S. Ferreira, Luiz Felipe C. Pereira

Symposia I (8:30 – 10:00) – 6 Sep 2016

09:30 Amorphized graphene: A stiff material with low thermal conductivity
Bohayra Mortazavi, Timon Rabczuk, Zheyong Fan, Luiz Felipe C. Pereira, Ari Harju


Experimental techniques and physics in 2D materials

I have been invited to give a presentation on our work on thermal transport in nanostructures at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá. The event “Experimental techniques and physics in 2D materials” takes place on 28 and 29 July, and it is aimed at graduate students in Colombia and Latin America.facebook_1469584193550

It was an excellent meeting and a great opportunity to see some of the amazing work done in 2D materials.

Thanks to Prof. Yenny Hernandez from Universidad de Los Andes and Prof. Jairo Velasco from University of California Santa Cruz for organising this great event and for the invitation.


Our work was featured on the cover of the Journal of Applied Physics.

Our paper “Controlling resonant tunneling in graphene via Fermi velocity engineering” has been featured on the cover of the Journal of Applied Physics Volume 119 Number 24, dated 28 June 2016. Figure 2 of our article was chosen for the cover of this issue.

We are very excited since this is the first time we get on the cover of a publication. Great fun!

Coverage from UFRN news.

Coverage from UFRPE news.



New paper in RSC Advances – Anisotropic thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of phagraphene: A molecular dynamics study

Our latest paper “Anisotropic thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of phagraphene: A molecular dynamics study” has been accepted for publication in RSC Advances.

In this work we calculate thermal conductivity, phonon mean free path, elastic modulus and mechanical strength of a novel 2D carbon allotrope named phagraphene, which contains pentagonal, hexagonal and heptagonal carbon rings. We show that the thermal conductivity of phagraphene is anisotropic and one order of magnitude smaller than that of graphene, but its elastic modulus is only about 15% smaller.

It is another product of our fruitful collaboration with Dr. Bohayra Mortazavi and Prof. Timon Rabczuk of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

This is also my first paper as first author in a chemistry journal. Can I call myself a chemical physicist now?

The paper is available here.

New paper accepted in the Journal of Applied Physics – Controlling resonant tunneling in graphene via Fermi velocity engineering

Our latest paper “Controlling resonant tunneling in graphene via Fermi velocity engineering” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

In this work we show that it is possible to control the electronic transmission along a graphene sample with a periodic modulation in its Fermi velocity.

It has been done in collaboration with my colleague Prof. Claudionor G. Bezerra and his former postdoc, now a faculty member at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Prof. Jonas R. F. Lima.

This is my first paper in the Journal of Applied Physics since 2010. It sure is nice to be back.

The paper is available here.

UPDATE: This paper has been featured on the cover of Volume 119 Number 24 of the Journal of Applied Physics.

Another paper accepted in Carbon – Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of nitrogenated holey graphene

Our latest paper “Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Nitrogenated Holey Graphene”  has been accepted for publication in Carbon.

In this work we calculate thermal conductivity, elastic modulus and mechanical strength of a novel graphene-derived material named nitrogenated holey graphene.

This is my first paper as senior author, and I am very proud of it.

It is also another product of our collaboration with Dr. Bohayra Mortazavi of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

The paper is available here.

Master’s Thesis Defense: Isaac de Macedo Felix

Our first graduate student, Mr. Isaac de Macedo Felix, will present his Master’s thesis on Tuesday (29.03.2016) at 10:30 am, in the auditorium of the Physics Department (DFTE).

The thesis, entitled “Thermal transport in graphene-hBN superlattice nanoribbons”, employed non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the thermal conductivity of hybrid graphene-hBN nanoribbons.

Everybody is welcome to the public defense.

UPDATE: Isaac has passed his defense with flying colours. He will now pursue his doctorate in our group. Congratulations!

Prof. Claudionor Bezerra, Prof. Luiz Felipe Pereira, Isaac Felix, Prof. Anderson Barbosa

XXXIII Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste

During this week the XXXIII Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste takes place in Natal. This is the second largest official event of the Brazilian Physical Society, and takes place every year in a different city within the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.

I am the Program Coordinator for this years edition, with my colleague Felipe Bohn as my  deputy. We had lot of work evaluating, categorizing and scheduling more than 600 presentations submitted by more than 1000 authors. We have also managed to bring together more than 25 invited speakers from all of Brazil and abroad. It’s all been worth it.

I am not presenting any works this year, but our group is represented with the following presentations.

12/11/2015 – Painéis (14:00-15:30) – EST – Física Estatística e Nanomateriais
P090 Transporte Térmico em Nanofios de SiGe
Raphael M. Tromer, Luiz F. C. Pereira

12/11/2015 – Comunicações Orais (16:00-18:00) – OTS – Ótica e Semicondutores
16:30 Estudo da Propagação de Luz em Multicamadas Dielétricas Quasiperiódicas Separadas por Grafeno
Carlos H. Costa, Luiz F. C. Pereira, Claudionor G. Bezerra

13/11/2015 – Comunicações Orais (16:00-18:00) – Sistemas Nanoestruturados
16:30 Controlando o tunelamento ressonante no grafeno pela velocidade de Fermi
Jonas R. F. Lima, Luiz F. C. Pereira, C. G. Bezerra
16:45 Transporte térmico em super-redes grafeno-nitreto de boro
Isaac de Macêdo Félix, Luiz F. C. Pereira