May has been an exciting month for the transport in nanostructures group. Doctorate student Isaac de Macedo Felix has passed the written qualifying exam on his first try. Congratulations to him! We also welcome a new group member: José Roberto
New paper accepted in Physical Review B – Thermal conductivity decomposition in two-dimensional materials: Application to graphene
Our second paper of 2017 “Thermal conductivity decomposition in two-dimensional materials: Application to graphene” has just been accepted for publication in Physical Review B. In this work we propose a decomposition of the microscopic heat current in atomistic molecular dynamics
New paper in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C – Atomic Adsorption on Nitrogenated Holey Graphene
Our first paper of 2017 “Atomic Adsorption on Nitrogenated Holey Graphene” has just been accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. In this work we employ first principles calculations and a hybrid Quantum Mechanics:Molecular Mechanics method (ONIOM)
School and Workshop: Thermal and Electronic Transport in Nanostructures
Today we kick-off our event Thermal and Electronic Transport in Nanostructures, which takes place at the International Institute of Physics – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte from 31/10/2016 to 11/11/2016. It is a two-week event focusing on the conduction
TNG @ XXXIX National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics
The XXXIX National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics promoted by the Brazilian Physical Society takes place in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, from 3 to 7 of September. Several group members will present our latest results during the meeting. Posters (15:30
Experimental techniques and physics in 2D materials
I have been invited to give a presentation on our work on thermal transport in nanostructures at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá. The event “Experimental techniques and physics in 2D materials” takes place on 28 and 29 July, and
Our work was featured on the cover of the Journal of Applied Physics.
Our paper “Controlling resonant tunneling in graphene via Fermi velocity engineering” has been featured on the cover of the Journal of Applied Physics Volume 119 Number 24, dated 28 June 2016. Figure 2 of our article was chosen for the cover of this issue.
New paper in RSC Advances – Anisotropic thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of phagraphene: A molecular dynamics study
Our latest paper “Anisotropic thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of phagraphene: A molecular dynamics study” has been accepted for publication in RSC Advances. In this work we calculate thermal conductivity, phonon mean free path, elastic modulus and mechanical strength of
New paper accepted in the Journal of Applied Physics – Controlling resonant tunneling in graphene via Fermi velocity engineering
Our latest paper “Controlling resonant tunneling in graphene via Fermi velocity engineering” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics. In this work we show that it is possible to control the electronic transmission along a graphene sample with
Another paper accepted in Carbon – Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of nitrogenated holey graphene
Our latest paper “Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Nitrogenated Holey Graphene” has been accepted for publication in Carbon. In this work we calculate thermal conductivity, elastic modulus and mechanical strength of a novel graphene-derived material named nitrogenated holey graphene.