Our latest paper of 2024 “Lévy flight for electrons in graphene in the presence of regions with enhanced spin-orbit coupling” has just appeared in Physical Review B. In this work, we propose an electronic Lévy glass built from graphene nanoribbons
New publication in Physical Review Materials – Length and torsion dependence of thermal conductivity in twisted graphene nanoribbons
Our latest publication “Length and torsion dependence of thermal conductivity in twisted graphene nanoribbons” has just been accepted for publication in Physical Review Materials. In this work we investigate the dependence of the thermal conductivity (TC) of twisted graphene nanoribbons
New publication in ACS Applied Nano Materials – Tuning the thermal conductivity of silicon phononic crystals
Our first paper of 2024 “Tuning the thermal conductivity of silicon phononic crystals via different defect motifs: Implications for thermoelectric devices and photovoltaics” has just been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Nano Materials, where it will be part of
XI Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics
This week I am giving a presentation at the XI Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics. This eleventh edition will take place at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, where the meeting started a few decades ago, but it also includes a few
M.Sc. defense – Higo Oliveira
Graduate student Higo de Araujo Oliveira, defended his master’s thesis on Thursday (21.09.2023) in a virtual auditorium via google meet. The thesis, entitled “Thermal conductivity calculation in Si membranes: a Homogeneous Non Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics approach”, employed advanced computer simulation techniques
Sabbatical at Sapienza University of Rome
In September I started a sabbatical leave during which I will be at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Università di Roma. A sabbatical period is an extraordinary opportunity to focus on novel challenging issues while visiting a new institute, and
New publication in Physical Review B: Lévy flight for electrons in graphene
Our first paper of 2023 “Lévy flight for electrons in graphene: Superdiffusive-to-diffusive transport transition” has just appeared in Physical Review B. In this work we propose an electronic Lévy glass, analogous to a recent optical realization. To that end, we
Conference and Advanced School on Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems
From March 13 to 24 we are taking part on the Conference and Advanced School on Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems, an event promoted by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP Trieste), which takes place in the Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
New article in Physical Review E: Wave transmission in Lévy-disordered systems
Our latest publication of 2022 “Wave transmission and its universal fluctuations in one-dimensional systems with Lévy-like disorder: Schrödinger, Klein-Gordon, and Dirac equations” has just appeared in the Physical Review E. In this publication we investigate the propagation of electronic waves
Doctoral defense – José Roberto da Silva
Graduate student José Roberto da Silva, defended his Doctoral dissertation on Wednesday (29.06.2022) at 10:00 am, in a virtual auditorium via google meet. The thesis, entitled “Electronic transport in quasiperiodic nanostructures”, employed advances computational techniques such as efficient implementations of Green’s