This week (February, 22-25) we are taking part in the 34th edition of the Center for Simulational Physics Workshop, which has the theme “Recent Developments in Computer Simulational Studies in Condensed Matter Physics“. For the first time in over three decades the
New paper in Carbon Trends – Pentadiamond
Our second publication of 2021 “First-principles investigation of electronic, optical, mechanical and heat transport properties of pentadiamond: A comparison with diamond” has just appeared in Carbon Trends Pentadiamond is a carbon allotrope consisting of hybrid sp2 and sp3 atoms, which has recently
New paper in Physica A – Majority-vote model with limited visibility
Our latest publication “Majority-vote model with limited visibility: An investigation into filter bubbles” is a little outside our main line of work. Nonetheless, any physics problem is interesting, and opinion formation models are a lot of fun to investigate. Indeed,
BRICS Young Scientist Forum
This week we are taking part in the 5th BRICS Young Scientist Forum, hosted by the South Ural State University, in Chelyabinsk, Russia. We have been selected by the Brazilian Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation to compose the Brazilian
New paper in PCCP – Boron-doped nitrogenated holey graphene
Our fourth publication of 2020 “Electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of boron-doped nitrogenated holey graphene” has just been published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Following-up form our previous publications on the physical properties of nitrogenated holey graphene (NHG), we now
Doctoral defense – Isaac de Macedo Felix
Graduate student Isaac de Macêdo Felix, defended his Doctoral dissertation on Friday (04.08.2020) at 10:00 am, in a virtual auditorium via google meet. The thesis, entitled “Heat conduction in quasiperiodic graphene-hBN superlattice nanoribbons” employed non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the
The 33rd Annual Center for Simulational Physics Workshop
This week we are in Athens, Georgia for the 33rd edition of the Center for Simulational Physics Workshop, which has the theme “Recent Developments in Computer Simulational Studies in Condensed Matter Physics“. This annual workshop series highlights advances in applications, algorithms,
New paper in Carbon – Suppression of coherent thermal transport in quasiperiodic graphene-hBN superlattices
Our third publication of 2020 “Suppression of coherent thermal transport in quasiperiodic graphene-hBN superlattice ribbons” has just been published in Carbon. Nanostructured superlattices are promising materials for novel electronic devices due to their adjustable physical properties. Periodic superlattices facilitate coherent phonon
New materials science papers: Diboron-porphyrin monolayer and BiSbTe nanofilms
In the last few weeks we had two papers published in materials science journals: “Diboron-porphyrin monolayer: A new 2D semiconductor” has been published in Computational Materials Science and “Thermoelectric properties of BiSbTe alloy nanofilms produced by DC sputtering: experiments and modeling”
TNG @ XXXIV Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste
The Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste (North and northeast physics meeting) promoted by the Brazilian Physical Society is the second largest Physics meeting in Brazil, gathering nearly 500 researchers from the north and northeast regions of Brazil. In 2019,