During this week the XXXIII Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste takes place in Natal. This is the second largest official event of the Brazilian Physical Society, and takes place every year in a different city within the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.

I am the Program Coordinator for this years edition, with my colleague Felipe Bohn as my  deputy. We had lot of work evaluating, categorizing and scheduling more than 600 presentations submitted by more than 1000 authors. We have also managed to bring together more than 25 invited speakers from all of Brazil and abroad. It’s all been worth it.

I am not presenting any works this year, but our group is represented with the following presentations.

12/11/2015 – Painéis (14:00-15:30) – EST – Física Estatística e Nanomateriais
P090 Transporte Térmico em Nanofios de SiGe
Raphael M. Tromer, Luiz F. C. Pereira

12/11/2015 – Comunicações Orais (16:00-18:00) – OTS – Ótica e Semicondutores
16:30 Estudo da Propagação de Luz em Multicamadas Dielétricas Quasiperiódicas Separadas por Grafeno
Carlos H. Costa, Luiz F. C. Pereira, Claudionor G. Bezerra

13/11/2015 – Comunicações Orais (16:00-18:00) – Sistemas Nanoestruturados
16:30 Controlando o tunelamento ressonante no grafeno pela velocidade de Fermi
Jonas R. F. Lima, Luiz F. C. Pereira, C. G. Bezerra
16:45 Transporte térmico em super-redes grafeno-nitreto de boro
Isaac de Macêdo Félix, Luiz F. C. Pereira

XXXIII Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste