We are organizing a virtual event Recent Progress in Thermal Transport Theory and Experiments (smr 3711) which begins today at the Abdus Salam International Centre for theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy.
Thermal management is becoming more relevant nowadays in ever decreasing-size electronic and optical devices generating more heat per unit volume, and in materials used in jet engines. We have witnessed many advances in the theories of thermal transport in the past decade: discovery of new excitations, a better understanding beyond the Fourier regime, description of highly anharmonic systems are but a few examples. We have lined-up a remarkable team of speakers, from physics, chemistry, material science and engineering from all over the world, taking advantage of the virtual meeting format imposed by the covid19 pandemic.
The event is co-organized by Keivan Esfarjani at the University of Virginia, and Ralph Gebauer and Mikhail Kiselev from ICTP.