- Início: 15/03/2016
- Horários e Sala
- Terças e Quintas: 10:00 às 13:00
- Sala 209 – Dmat
- Ementa
Part 1. Classical theory
Newton’s equations; Classification of differential equations; First order autonomous equations; Finding explicit solutions; Qualitative analysis of first-order equations; Qualitative analysis of first-order periodic equations
Initial value problems; Fixed point theorems; The basic existence and uniqueness result; Some extensions; Dependence on the initial condition; Regular perturbation theory; Extensibility of solutions; Euler’s method and the Peano theorem
Linear equations; The matrix exponential; Linear autonomous first-order systems; Linear autonomous equations of order n; General linear first-order systems; Linear equations of order n; Periodic linear systems; Perturbed linear first order systems;
Differential equations in the complex domain; The basic existence and uniqueness result; The Frobenius method for second-order equations; Linear systems with singularities; The Frobenius method;
Boundary value problems; Compact symmetric operators; Sturm–Liouville equations; Regular Sturm–Liouville problems; Oscillation theory; Periodic Sturm–Liouville equations.
Part 2. Dynamical systems
Dynamical systems; The flow of an autonomous equation; Orbits and invariant sets; The Poincaré map; Stability of fixed points; Stability via Liapunov’s method; Newton’s equation in one dimension
Planar dynamical systems; Examples from ecology; Examples from electrical engineering; The Poincaré–Bendixson theorem; Higher dimensional dynamical systems; Attracting sets; The Lorenz equation.
- Livro Texto:
- Gerald Teschl, Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, University of Vienna, Austria – Graduate Studies in Mathematics 2012; 356 pp; Vol 140.